Tuesday, April 21, 2009

So Very Good!

I have an acquaintance I talk to every month or so who always asks me when my next vacation is. I just laugh and respond that I have no plans for a vacation. I’m always shocked at the silly question and he’s always shocked with my answer! Of course I’m not planning a vacation. Vacations are for people who have a significant other to enjoy them with, people with money to spare, people with time to spare. I don’t seem to have any of those things.

The last time I took a vacation was 4 years ago for a 4 day trip. This was a time in my life that I had a significant other to do such things with. My roommate hasn’t been on vacation in 8 years, also when she had a love interest to go with. Now that we’re not involved with anyone, why waste the time and money on a vacation we can’t enjoy with a love interest?

Here’s why. God did not create this gorgeous planet, with amazing sights, sounds, aromas, things to taste and touch for us to only experience the ones we pass from home to work. As a Christian, I find it impossible to be immersed in the natural beauty of this world without feeling closer to God. I am drawn to the wonder of His creation and when I'm in it I don't want to leave. So why don't I do it more often? Mostly because I'm afraid. Afraid to go alone, afraid of spending the money, afraid I'll be singled out as a single person. But, fear is a lousy reason not to have a regular connection with God's creation. Fear is not of God.

Besides, if I never do marry, I will be an awfully boring old person. No stories to tell, nothing for people to be interested in. Therefore, still alone and lonely. Fear will have gotten me nowhere. I'd rather be someone who has lots of stories and pictures, which draw people to me. Telling anyone who'll listen about the trips I took and the things I've seen. I love hearing about the trips of the acquaintance I mentioned above. He makes a point to experience all that this life has to offer. He does so because he knows that when we leave this earth, we can't take anythings with us, just our experiences.

So, I plan to start planning. Planning short trips to the mountains to meet God there. Planning longer vacations in more exotic locations to meet God there. Planning regular times to enjoy this beautiful place He created to bring Him glory. I plan to praise Him in hot places, cold places, high places and low places. As many places as I can.

Gen 1:31a (Message) - God looked over everything he had made; it was so good, so very good!

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